Friday, June 02, 2006

i believe it's fate

i believe this is fate that i happen to log in to today and saw Shu Hui's entry, and ta-da* we get the second post of the newly revamped blog. THanks Shu Hui =) Remove it ba.. somehow I think the new blog's wordings are like abit too big.. haa.. ANyway, one post each day... something to read right ? =D

WEll, I'll still alive and kicking here in Taiwan, time check 4.45pm. I'm supposed to debug something that I've been doing since Tuesday!! *darN,feels like smashing the computer* Nevermind about that, how's every other one? updates on wat u're doing k.. update here! here! here!!


1 comment:

Michelle said...

the style sheet that came with the 'new' template was down.. that's why only a blank page was displayed (with humonguous letters)!
