Monday, July 10, 2006

The weather in Taiwan has been very passionate, in fact, very passionate and hot. So much so that it keeps making my skin drool (perspire) at the sight of it. How's the weather in Singapore? I feel that Taiwan's currently much hotter than in Singapore. Ya, so yesterday I went to the famous xi men ding 西門町.. it was so hot that we went to have this (in picture)! yum* YUm* pink= strawberry, white= milk, beach=mixture of fruits. They have 73 flavours of ice creams, including chilli, wasabii, pork, beef.. omg.. well, we weren't that daring enough to try, just in case we waste out money.. haa.. but I might just return again when I feel daring enough..


Michelle said...

Hola! Abt 25~32c here, i think. How's the temp like over there?

Chilli flavoured ice-cream sounds like an instant way to get plump lips. Haha! No need collagen injections.


xin|i said...

Sunday was a freaking 35degrees... *puff* ahhhhhhh

Michelle said...

hot hot hot!