Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Hi. Feel free to print this and place it on your office or home wall. Have fun!
knock knock who's there?


nobody who?


haa... :P

Monday, November 24, 2008


Hello, is anybody there?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

wow.. the shoutout worked!!! haa.. it was just a random statement for me to provoke some response and some posts onto this pretty blog.. and it worked!! oh yeah!! haaa..

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Anwar oh Anwar...

Don't you know, don't you know...

That change is never welcome? Just look at your neighbour Singapore... Our dear Mr. Chee isn't very popular now is he? You know we all just wanna be left alone to our own pathetic devices... in our own little rut... happy, warm and SAFE in our little Asian cocoons...

And, keeping in mind your past history and being in a Muslim country... shouldn't you have expected that they would crucify you, try to burn you, same allegation same shit... and shit never comes clean off.

Cuidado senor politico!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

to YF:

nah, the blog was defo NOT to keep only me updated! i mean, if it was, then i'd have to feel really guilty because i don't check in too often... LoL =p

anyways, i decided to post one for its own sake because i happened to happen upon my cousin Pat Mok's blog while searching for NUM (New Urban Male) guys -- i took a pic with two really cute ones yesterday at the CLEO shoot! =DDDD they were droolicious! i'm waiting for mei hui to pass me the pics so i can post them up for your delectation...

anyways, i know xinli was trying to get us together for din-din this week, but would anyone like to join mich and me for a gno at Butter Factory??? RSVP ASAP!!! LoL~ =)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Above: One of my 1st attempts at light painting (by moving the camera). Haha it's a heart. Can you guess what light source i used?

It's always good when someone kick-starts a conversation. So, thanks xl!

How is it like in Paris? What about the others? What have you all been up to?

In response to yf's post: the primary aim of this blog was to update each other on the latest gossip. It was not created with yj in mind ONLY. She is not a VIP thank you very much.

Anyway my friend got me to a part-time promoter job, and when i went to work today they made us move boxes and boxes of home appliances (vacuum cleaners, blenders, very intelligent rice cookers, blah). After which i realised i haven't exercised in god-knows-how-many-years.

Getting old le (:

Sunday, May 11, 2008

THis blog seems to be a communication method for us to keep updated about each other when yujie was in USA.. now that she's back.. or is it simply because we have become so busy with everything else that we are not stopping to think and reflect?

Here's a shoutout.. hey to everyone!

Saturday, May 03, 2008


Is Peggy back in Singapore?! Hahaa.. no one's visiting here any more since February!! Blog something people! Blog!! I'm almost done with exams, yf too! We're left with 1 paper each. How's everyone going on??

Monday, February 11, 2008


hey hey

happy new year pple!!!

so so next sunday is settled? wat's the timetable like? meet where? at wat time? start where? followed by?

shall we start at peg's place? yj's then xl's? then sp's then yl's? then sh's? sorry but my house is not open to visiting this year.. it just looks too much like a rubbish dump..

so so.. we meet at 10am? at ms peg's place?